GREAT MV!! Gak tau ini diambil dari film atau bukan... Tapi tetep aja, menyentuh banget...! lol
Spica aja sampe nangis, kasian cowok bottomnya....hiks. Dari pada penasaran, mending liat videonya aja ya sendiri ^^ #orz

© Celine Dion
If ever a boy,
Stood on the moon
All the heavens would call them angels 'round
Stop the tears from troubled skies...
Falling... falling... falling

If ever the river could,
Whisper your name,
Would the choices you made still... be the same?
Like a flower that dies from angry rain
... Why do we hurt

Where is the love...
That lets the sunlight in to start again?
The love... that sees no colour lines
Life begins, with love,
So spread your wings and fly,
Guide your spirit safe and sheltered,
A thousand dreams that we can still believe...

If ever a boy,
Stood on the moon,
Carrying all of his treasures from the stars,
To a rainbow which leads to where we are
Together we chase the sun

Where is the love...
That lifts my brother's voice,
To the skies
The love
That answers a mother's cry
Life begins, with love,
So spread your wings and fly,
Guide your spirit safe and sheltered,
A thousand dreams that we can still believe...

A boy stood on the moon...
The ancient souls can still discover
A thousand dreams that we can still believe
That we can still believe
We can
Still believe
We can still believe...
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Ini kayaknya jaman Spica SD ya lagunya? lol...
Tapi sumpah, lagunya ngena banget lho! Dan waktu SD dulu Spica gak protes ada scene gay apa dari SD spica udah ditakdirkan suka yang ginian ya? lol. Spica suka banget sama lagu ini... Gay scenenya itu lho.... menyentuh abis! Mereka ciuman sambil pegangan tangan tanpa perduli tatapan orang lain! Really made me cry =')
btw, simak liriknya ya:

© Christina Aguilera 
Don't look at me

Every day is so wonderful
Then suddenly, it's hard to breathe
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the pain, I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The pieces gone, left the puzzle undone
That's the way it is

You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down
So don't you bring me down today...

No matter what we do
(no matter what we do)
No matter what we say
(no matter what we say)
We're the song inside the tune
Full of beautiful mistakes

And everywhere we go
(and everywhere we go)
The sun will always shine
(sun will always shine)
And tomorrow we might wake on the other side
All the other times

We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down
So don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today
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I'm not really sure about this lyric because I'm not really good at listening section, lol. But, oh well.. I'm just trying to write this lyric since I can't find 'em in google, lol. So, this is it... "The First Time" by Matt Fishel ^^

© Matt Fishel

You're my best memory baby
You're the world to me
Drew in a breath that morning, on the day you changed my life forever
I was fearful of you
I was scared

Stood under bridges baby
Singing songs in two-part harmony
The rain was pouring
Slowly you reached out, holding on to my hand
If ever you should stumble, I will be your ground
I'm your man 3x

These memories are awakened every winter, I taste you on the breeze
The smell of warm lips touching
Blocking out the cold and warming up the world
That's the picture I paint in my heart of when
I was your man 3x

And it was on that day I touched a guy for the first time
(for the first time)
You could feel my heart racing
(I felt alive inside)
Your palm in my palm
(and it felt so right)
And I was so damn scared, I was trembling all over
(we kissed, we melted in)
Oh baby do you remember (I'll never forget) the way you smiled?
You were so beautiful

But if I can't reach you baby, what's the point?
What's the point in all this?
If I can't touch you baby, what's the point in going on?
I'm stumbling now
Are you listening?
Do your words still stand?
I'm your man 3x

I'm the boy you wanted, but I'm not the man you love
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From now on, Spica bakal update gambar2/foto2 di TUMBLR. Sampai ketemu disana ya ^^
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Blackmail Boy
"a surprisingly sweet X-rated tale of gay love." 

Fans of the work of the Shumanski Bros of Wrecked fame will know what to expect in this sexually explicit, if unmistakably romantic home movie styled piece.

And it all centres around art student Sam; loving life in Chicago only without the love of his parents, ostracised by them on account of his sexuality. Turning tricks to pay the rent, it isn't long before his long-distance boyfriend Aaron up sticks to the Windy City, only to be shocked not so much by Sam's rent boy ways, but rather by one of his clients being infamous homophobic Christian author Andrew Kenneth Tucker. Turning the tables on this hypocritical preacher of hate, they covertly film him in the act of man-sex, intent on blackmailing him to secure their future together. Only with Tucker desperate to protect his heterosexual façade at any price, have the boys bitten off more than they can chew?

Blackmail Boys by the Shumanski Bros Sexually graphic from the onset, this porn with a plot piece and to its credit does touch upon a number of serious issues, as the like of religious hypocrisy, let alone the constitutional right to gay marriage in America are voices to be heard. Only with clothes dropping faster than a male stripper's Friday night special, the partners-in-crime premise on offer here has been turned on its sexual back, prompting questions on whether the stars of the show were cast more in terms of their willingness to get naked in front of the camera, than their acting credentials. Then again, nudity is nothing new to Nathan Adloff and noted indie filmmaker Joe Swanberg, both having got down to basics; albeit not together in Swanberg's web based series Young American Bodies, namely a "no-holds-barred look at the intersecting love lives of a group of twenty-somethings."

Likewise this sexual film noir is upfront with what it is, given there's no doubting its gay to the core nature, as acts of unsimulated masturbation, penile close-ups and erections provocatively contrast with a series of tender and quite beautiful moments between the boys. Complete with the plot device of direct-to-camera narrative monologues, the result is a surprisingly sweet X-rated tale of gay love, even if its limited duration cannot help but make you wonder whether the brothers ran out of ideas, money or nudity? Need more be said?

(Rating: ★★★☆)
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Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!
- Jonah Blechman
Directed by: Todd Stephens
Rating: 21+
Genre: Gay, Comedy, Hardcore 
Ini adalah film Gay pertama yang pernah Spica tonton! Awalnya Spica penasaran, terus akhirnya nyoba nyari-nyari downloadan filmnya dari internet. Hampir dua jam Spica nyari teruuuuuus, tapi gak ketemu-ketemu! Akhirnya ada juga film Another Gay Sequel yang bisa di download, sizenya sekitar 500mb, dan Spica mesti nunggu sejam buat downloadnya selesai =w=

Then, setelah udah selesai Download. Spica langsung stel filmnya tuh.... Belum apa-apa udah ada adegan ML nya! Gosh... vulgar sekali filmnya~! Hahaha! Ceritanya tentang empat orang yang bernama Andy, Nico, Jarod dan Griff, mereka berempat 'sahabatan'. Terus kan mereka liburan kesebuah pulau ya, nah... disana tuh kayak ada lomba gitu. Uhm, perlombaan ini disebut "Gays Gone Wild". Sesuai dengan nama lombanya, disini setiap peserta dikasih kayak buku pass, jadinya kalau dia lagi ML sama cowok dikasih stamp di buku passnya itu. Pemenangnya akan mendapatkan satu cowok yang 'wuah' buat dijadikan 'kucing', hahaha XD syarat untuk menjadi pemenang adalah... si cowok peserta ini harus melakukan banyak ML sama peserta lain, dan yang paling banyak dapat cap dialah pemenangnya~ 

Tentu saja diantara mereka ada yang cemburu jika pacarnya ML sama orang lain, terus bagaimana hubungan mereka? Mau tau....? Silahkan nonton sendiri filmnya~ hahahah! Eh ya, di film ini juga ada Brent Corrigan lho!!

(Rating: ★★★☆)
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Directed by: Leste Chen Based on Wang Chi-Yao's novel
Rating: T+
Genre: Gay, Friendship

Spica beli film ini kira-kira setahun yang lalu, di tempat DVD Gramedia. Film ini berkisah tentang cinta segitiga antara Shane, Jhonatan, dan Carrie. Awalnya Shane & Jonathan adalah dua orang anak dengan kepribadian berbeda, Shane anak badung biang masalah, dan Jonathan murid yang rajin dan patuh pada gurunya. Mereka bertemu di kelas yang sama di sebuah SD yang dekat dengan laut. Suatu hari wali kelas mereka meminta Jonathan untuk menjadi ”little guardian angel” bagi Shane, untuk menjaga dan berteman dengannya agar Shane bisa jadi murid teladan seperti Jonathan. Walaupun awalnya terpaksa, pada akhirnya Jonathan bisa berteman baik dengan Shane. Bahkan hingga SMA, mereka hampir tidak pernah terpisahkan. Di saat itulah muncul Carrie diantara mereka. Carrie yang baru kenal dengan Jonathan mengajaknya untuk bolos sekolah dan pergi ke Taipei berdua, di sana mereka bersenang-senang dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk menginap. Tapi di saat mereka mulai "make out", Jonathan tiba-tiba berhenti dan tidak bisa melanjutkannya. Di saat itu Jonathan mulai sadar kalau ia tidak bisa dengan perempuan, dan mencintai Shane lebih dari seorang sahabat.

Oh ya! Ada adegan waktu mereka dihukum karena sama-sama dapat nilai ulangan kecil. Shane dapet nilai 33, dan Jonathan dapet nilai 67. Sepulang sekolah Shane bilang kek gini… “Kamu sadar ga? Nilai kita kalau dijumlahin jadi 100 loh…” Dan disitu si Jonathan makin yakin kalo they’re meant to be together. So sweet banget gak sih? lol

Dan yang Spica gak suka nih... SI CARRIE TUH EMANG CEWEK YANG PALING NGESELIN! Dia gak bisa dapetin Jonathan, eh malah ngerebut Shane dari Jonathan! Cih, Spica paling males nih sama nih cewek! Seandainya dia gak ada di film ini, pasti Shane sama Jonathan udah hidup bahagia *digebuk sutradara*

Ada kata puitis tersirat yang mendasari berdasarkan makna astrologi dalam nama Cina karakter's:
  • Shane: (Cina: 守恒; pinyin: heng shou) merupakan (Cina: 恒星; pinyin: heng xing) bintang (Matahari).
  • Jonathan: (Cina: 行 正; Pinyin: xing zheng) merupakan (Cina: 行星; pinyin: xing xing) planet (Bumi).
  • Carrie: (Cina: 慧 嘉; pinyin: hui jia) merupakan (Cina: 彗星; pinyin: hui xing) Comet.
Matahari selalu bersinar.
Bumi berikut rute sekitarnya Matahari, tetapi tidak bisa mendekatinya.
Comet membawa kejutan untuk tata surya.
Gambar akan lengkap tanpa salah satu dari mereka.
Pokoknya film ini harus ditonton! Bagus banget deh! Sangat menyentuh~ hehehe

(Rating: ★★★★)
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